What is The Collective?
The Collective was created to give children through young adults an experience in many different areas of the arts. All located in one place - The Studio. Whether they are actors with Acting Collective, and/or dancers at Dance Collective - The Studio has been developed with the intention of bringing out the very best in your children.
Over the past 14 years, the Collective has seen their students apply their talents in multiple places. With Dance Collective making its debut in 2016, several years after Acting Collective was created.
After receiving extensive training at Dance Collective, some of our dancers have gone on to open their own dance studios and several of our current competitive dancers have also become coaches., Over the years, Dance Collective's director has received numerous awards for her choreography, and was even named a top choreographer in the state.
Dance Collective's dancers have also received numerous awards and accolades for solos all the way up to group lines of more than 25 dancers. Dance Collective is proud to be an award-winning competitive dance studio with three talented and dedicated companies.
Actors that have been apart of Acting Collective have pursued many avenues in the arts from parts in motion pictures and commercials, auditions for off-Broadway, as well as, receive scholarships at college level drama programs, such as the University of Georgia, Mercer, Georgia College, Columbus, Georgia State University, and the University of Alabama.
Several of our actors have been, and currently are, students at Disney College, others have gone on to teach drama in the surrounding school systems. We also have alumni that have starred and directed in other adult theater company productions.
If you are looking for a place for your child to reach their ultimate potential in the arts, ... then The Collective is the place for you!
"Do you know and understand that you are the temple of God and that the
Spirit of God dwells in you collectively and individually." 1 Corinthians 2:16